Experience the POWER of LOVE ~ Be EMPOWERED to love. Please don't give up on love. Join us as we renew and rekindle your desire to love and be loved. Your night will be well spent as you kick back and relax with or without the one you love.
What is your LOVE status? Are you in love? Falling in or out of love? Are you looking for love? Have you found love? Are you afraid to love? Have you given up on love? Would you be loved? Join us and Be ENLIGHTENED by Relationship Author John Edu Idumange for relationship wisdom.
We invite you to join us LIVE on Facebook for a night of LIVE entertainment, Spoken Word, LIVE Music performance and so much more. Expect to be serenaded in songs by one of Arkansas' top recording artists, Dee Dee Jones. It will be well worth your time. This event is being hosted by Angel Roberson, a passionate and anointed wordsmith. So, light the candles, kick back in the comfort of your own home and Be ENTERTAINED.
Purchase your tickets for only $14.00 to attend 'A ViRTUAL VALENTiNE 2021' LIVESTREAM event. You will be happy that you did. You are in for a special treat. CLICK the BUTTON BELOW to register.
Time : 8:00 PM - 10: PM
Date: Sunday Feb. 14, 2021
Where: Online ~ Facebook LIVESTREAM
For more information call 501-813-7383
<a href='https://www.freepik.com/photos/flower'>Flower photo created by stockking - www.freepik.com</a>